Cena Množství

Webinar Creative Underwater Photography s Lucií Drlíkovou

Waterland Dreams * 06. 05. 2021 * v 18:00 hodin / Thu, May 6, 2021 6:00 PM Lucie will teach on her process from start to finish, and how she creates striking imagery underwater, whether it be with just a model or coordinating a large technical team.



  • How to create the story, from idea, to costumes, to post-production
  • Shooting in swimming pools vs open water
  • How to choose your models
  • Communication with your models and team
  • Scenarios: Working with adults, pregnant mothers and children
  • Basic editing
  • Q&A


Lucie Drlikova is an award-winning underwater photographer, originally from the Czech republic, currently living in Prague, after twenty years of living in different parts of the world. Her work is very well known publicly, as she cooperates with many Czech celebrities, including the former first lady. 

She started diving at the age of 22 and has never stopped.

Using her many talents, each image is the result of a vision, a note, a drawing, a memory followed by a complex process of creating her own costumes and props, make-up, drawing and painting her own backgrounds. During photography, she coordinates with large teams above and below the water. Photography is in a way only a very small part of the entire creative process, of which Lucie is intensely involved in every aspect with the same energy and passion. 


➡  Follow Lucie on social media:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luciedrlikovaphotography/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2392240637484951&id=456914277684273

YouTube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRK_UhIMh6c&t=


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BenQ Czech Republic - https://www.facebook.com/BenQCeskaRepublika

AQColor Europe - https://www.instagram.com/aqcolor_by_benq/

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