
TZY31 InstaShare Button Solution

One-click wireless screen sharing for BenQ displays


How can I delete an account from IAM?
What is the maximum range that InstaShare Button supports for screen casting?
The range for casting a screen is 15m assuming no blocking objects or interference.
What device is supported for touch back via a USB port?
Touch back via USB port is only supported for Windows-based PCs. Mac and mobile devices cannot be controlled via touch screens.
How to use InstaShare Button?
How to pair the InstaShare Button?

Further Query

Why isn't "Display ID" shown on the device?
"Display ID" will not be shown if the network is not available. Please make sure your device is successfully connected to the Internet.
Learn more
Why is the LED indicator of InstaShare Button not on after connecting to a BenQ Smart Display?
Why can't InstaShare 2 pair with BenQ Smart Display automatically?
Why the screen black when casting?
Why can't I connect InstaShare Button to a BenQ Smart Display?
There is no sound when casting. How can I fix that?
How can I delete an account from IAM?
What is the maximum range that InstaShare Button supports for screen casting?
The range for casting a screen is 15m assuming no blocking objects or interference.
What device is supported for touch back via a USB port?
Touch back via USB port is only supported for Windows-based PCs. Mac and mobile devices cannot be controlled via touch screens.
How to use InstaShare Button?
How to pair the InstaShare Button?