Pris Kvantitet
Om BenQ

Välkommen till BenQ Corporation - en världsledande leverantör av mänsklig teknik och lösningar som drivs av företagets vision "Bringing Enjoyment 'N' Quality to Life" för att lyfta och berika de aspekter av livet som är viktigast för människor idag - livsstil, företag, vård och utbildning. BenQ utmärker sig genom den unika filosofin ”Eftersom det betyder något” och är engagerad i att ge människor i dag möjlighet att leva bättre, öka effektiviteten, känna sig friskare och förbättra inlärningen genom människor, innovationsdrivna produkter, tjänster och lösningar. Anden, som vår existens för att förbättra upplevelsen av livet i alla aspekter, ligger till grund för vår produktutveckling, affärsmodell, partnerskap och företagskultur. Det är också det som inspirerar våra engagerade medarbetare och styr oss i global medborgarskap. Eftersom det spelar roll kommer BenQ att fortsätta att använda betydande resurser och beprövad expertis inom produktdesign, visuell display, mobila lösningar och nätverkskonvergensteknik i hopp om att glädja världen och erbjuda ett brett utbud av produkter, tjänster och lösningar: digitala projektorer, professionella bildskärmar, interaktiva skärmar i stort format, bildlösningar, mobila datorenheter och LED-belysningslösningar.1

Ledande profiler
  • Chairman, BenQ Corporation
  • Michael Tseng
    • Current Positions:

    Chairman, BenQ Corp.
    President, BenQ China(acting)


    • Experience:

    ‧General Manager of BenQ Entertainment Inc.
    ‧Product manager of the CD-ROM product line, BenQ Corp.
    ‧In 1997, Tseng was expatriated to Suzhou, China with the mission to introduce the BenQ brand to China.
    ‧Through niche marketing, he built deep customer connections, understood consumer needs, and created unique experiences, making e-sports and smart lighting products the preferred brands.


    • Education:

    Graduate Institute of Industrial Management at University of Missouri, U.S.A.
    Master of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
    Bachelor of Transportation and Logistics Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

  • President, BenQ Corporation
  • Peter Huang
    • Current Positions:

    President, BenQ Corp.


    • Experience:

    ‧Vice President & GM of Product & Marketing Strategy Center
    ‧General Manager of BenQ Display Products Business Group
    ‧Responsible for the development and management of BenQ’s laser printer, scanner and digital camera lines
    ‧Implemented STP model during the 2008 financial crisis, positioning BenQ as No.1 DLP projector brand in the world; Targeted niche markets, pioneering gaming monitors and cloud-connected smart whiteboards
    ‧Introduced design thinking in 2014, transforming QisDesign into the world's first desk lamp designed for screen reading
    ‧Led digital transformation in 2016, adopting DTC model to navigate the pandemic, consistently introduced new business models, transforming the organization into a learning organization


    • Education:

    Master of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
    Bachelor of Control Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

  • President, BenQ America
  • Lars Yoder
    • Current Positions:

    President, BenQ America


    • Experience:

    ‧Vice President and General Manager of the Company’s DLP Front Projection Business, Texas Instruments


    • Education:

    B.S. in Optics from the Hajim School of Engineering 
    Master of Management Science, Simon Graduate School of Business, University of Rochester, New York, USA

  • President, BenQ Asia Pacific
  • Jeffrey Liang
    • Current Positions: 

    President, BenQ Asia Pacific


    • Experience:

    ‧Director for projection products at BenQ’s global headquarter. Achieving miraculous results by leading BenQ’s projectors to become the No.1 DLP projector brand in the world.


    • Education:

    Master of Business Administration, Boston University, USA 
    Bachelor of Science in Statistics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

  • President, BenQ China
  • Michael Tseng
    • Current Positions:

    Chairman, BenQ Corp.
    President, BenQ China(acting)


    • Experience:

    ‧General Manager of BenQ Entertainment Inc.
    ‧Product manager of the CD-ROM product line, BenQ Corp.
    ‧In 1997, Tseng was expatriated to Suzhou, China with the mission to introduce the BenQ brand to China.
    ‧Through niche marketing, he built deep customer connections, understood consumer needs, and created unique experiences, making e-sports and smart lighting products the preferred brands.


    • Education:

    Graduate Institute of Industrial Management at University of Missouri, U.S.A.
    Master of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
    Bachelor of Transportation and Logistics Management, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

  • President, BenQ Europe
  • Jay Wu
    • Current Positions: 

    President, BenQ Europe B.V.


    • Experience:

    ‧Senior Director of B2B Division at BenQ America Corp. Responsible for marketing and sales for B2B products. Establish a B2B sales team, channels, and customer base. 
    ‧Associate Director of Public Display Products at BenQ's global headquarters. Responsible for business development to B2B markets and marketing strategy. 


    • Education:

    Master of Finance and Economics, University of Southampton, UK
    Bachelor of Economics, National Taipei University, Taiwan

  • President, BenQ Latin America
  • Israel Bedolla
    • Current Positions:

    President, BenQ Latin America


    • Experience:

    Since joining BenQ in 2001, Bedolla has held the following key positions in

    ‧Latin America: Country Manager of Mexico, General Manager of Mexico, 

    ‧General Manager of Brazil, VP of Customer Care & Marketing for Latin America. 
    ‧Business Unit Director, Mexicana de Electronica Industrial.


    • Education:

    BS in Electronic Engineering from Valle De Mexico University, 

    MBA from ITESM 

    Marketing degree from Anahuac University