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USB-C Hybrid DockBenQ România vă respectă confidenţialitatea datelor. Folosim cookie-uri şi tehnologii asemănătoare pentru a vă asigura că aveţi cea mai bună experienţă atunci când vizitaţi site-ul nostru. Puteţi fie să acceptaţi aceste cookie-uri făcând clic pe „Acceptare cookie-uri”, fie să faceţi clic pe „Doar cookie-uri necesare” pentru a refuza toate tehnologiile neesenţiale. Vă puteţi personaliza setările cookie-urilor aici în orice moment. Pentru mai multe informaţii, vă rugăm să vizitaţi Politica noastră privind cookie-urile şi Politica noastră de confidenţialitate.
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BenQ România vă respectă confidenţialitatea datelor. Folosim cookie-uri şi tehnologii asemănătoare pentru a vă asigura că aveţi cea mai bună experienţă atunci când vizitaţi site-ul nostru. Puteţi fie să acceptaţi aceste cookie-uri făcând clic pe „Acceptare cookie-uri”, fie să faceţi clic pe „Doar cookie-uri necesare” pentru a refuza toate tehnologiile neesenţiale. Vă puteţi personaliza setările cookie-urilor aici în orice moment. Pentru mai multe informaţii, vă rugăm să vizitaţi Politica noastră privind cookie-urile şi Politica noastră de confidenţialitate.
Interactive Display | Signage
Remote Work & Learning
Explore Docks and Hubs
USB-C Hybrid DockProiectoare
Interactive Display | Signage
Remote Work & Learning
Warranty for Mobile
BenQ Warranty
The BenQ products benefit from a complete warranty for the specified time period. The warranty duration of certain BenQ products may vary due to their design, manufacture or their intended use.
The BenQ warranty applies from the date of purchase by the original purchaser and is not transferable between end users.
BenQ warranty is without prejudice to your other legal and statutory rights as a consumer.
Items not covered by warranty
This warranty only covers defects in parts and workmanship of the product. This warranty does not cover:
1. The periodic maintenance and repairs or replacements of parts due to normal wear;
2. The costs of transport and the risks associated with the journeys of deposit and retrieval of the product by the final customer;
3. Any adaptation of the product which would be necessary for compliance with the technical or safety standards applicable in a country other than that for which the product has been originally designed and manufactured;
4. The damage or defects in the product resulting from:
a) Improper use or installation of the product (use not conforming to that for which the product is intended, installation or use not in accordance with the instructions of BenQ or technical or safety standards in force in the countries where it is used, etc. )
b) Maintenance of the product not complying with the instructions of BenQ or negligence in the maintenance of the product.
c) Improper handling or a bad treatment of the product (false maneuver, drops, shocks, etc.) or an inappropriate environment (poor ventilation, vibration, exposure to moisture, excessive heat, contacts with sand or with any other substance, inadequate electrical supply, etc.)
d) The use of the product with a product (hardware or software), accessory or device not compatible or defective.
e) An adaptation of the product for the purposes of compliance with the technical or safety standards applicable in a country other than that for which the product has been originally designed and manufactured;
f) A modification or repair of the Product performed by a provider not authorized by BenQ.
g) Cases of force majeure, disaster (fire, flood, etc. ), lightning, etc.
h) The software, and their updates, other than those provided, developed or authorized by the supplier.
i) The mobile devices whose identification label (IMEI) would be damaged, destroyed, totally or partially removed and those whose label does not correspond to the device.