X-Sign Broadcast
Announcement system
Complement your school PA system with visual alerts and announcements.
X-Sign Broadcast lets you deliver scheduled messages and instant alerts to all your BenQ devices for any occasion.
Display morning announcements with images and other media.
Instantly alert students when classes are cancelled or other emergencies arise.
Send targeted reminders about upcoming events or deadlines for registrations.
With X-Sign Broadcast, you can choose to push announcements immediately or schedule them for later so your messages are always delivered at the best time.
Send out different types of announcements with text, images, documents, and videos.
Easily manage the process of creating and sending messages to the entire school from a centralised dashboard.
Which type of file formats does X-Sign Broadcast announcement system export?
1. Image file 2. Video file 3. YouTube video 4. Youtube Live Streaming 5. Office PowerPoint 6. PDF 7. Office Word