HDR10 is a standard adopted widely by most international monitor brands, as many major companies have implemented the HDR10 protocol. Defined jointly by the Blue-Ray Association, HDMI Forum and UHD Association, HDR10 is the format that supports the compressed transmission of HDR video content. HDR10 is officially defined as the format that supports HDR content by CEA on August 27, 2015. One of the key factors to fulfill the requirements of HDR monitor is the ability to decode files of HDR10 format.
Files of HDR 10 format need to fulfill the following criterion in order to match with the HDR format:
1. EOTF (electro-optical transfer function):SMPTE ST 2084
2. Color Sub-sampling:4:2:2/4:2:0 (for compressed video sources)
3. Bit Depth:10 bit
4. Primary Color:ITU-R BT.2020
5. Metadata:SMPTE ST 2086, MaxFALL, MaxCLL
**SMPTE ST 2086 "Mastering Display Color Volume" static metadata to send color calibration data of the mastering display, such as MaxFALL (Maximum Frame Average Light Level) and MaxCLL (Maximum Content Light Level) static values, encoded as SEI messages within the video stream.